
Borneo Dive Trip

Aug 30-Sep 10, 2006


To sign up online, click on www.hollywoodivers.com/travel and click on 'Exotic Trips' to get you to the shopping cart where you may purchase the trip online. Or contact me via e-mail.

Here's what we've got planned:

6 1/2 days of 3-boat dives/day, unlimited beach dives, guided night dives, diving at neighboring islands of Mabul and Sipadan.

You'll be staying HERE!


  Accommodations are beautiful over the water chalets with twin beds, bedding and towels, ceiling fan, electric lights and outlets (220V)


Here's what the itinerary looks like:

Leave Los Angeles Aug 30th early in the morning arriving at Kapalai Resort Sept 1st

7 Nights at Kapalai Resort then off to Sepilok Nature Reserve

We'll arrive in the afternoon and go for a night jungle walk

1 night at the Sepilok Nature Reserve to observe Orangutans in the morning and then a city tour of Sandakan before our flight back to Kota Kinabalu

We'll stay overnight in Kota Kinabalu at the Hyatt before our journey back to Los Angeles on Sept 10

Check out our past trips for photos


CALL (818) 834-2616            Nikki Pieper        NAUI Instructor and Independent Travel Agent